
THE INCIDENT.. in the Library.

It was a typical afternoon, drowning myself in my philosophy text book, in the back corner of the library. I even went through the trouble of secluding myself in a private room with one of my study buddies, and sat facing the wall, as to not distract myself with the other interesting folk that inhabit the library. Hours passed, and I found myself reading about Helen E. Longino's opinions on pornography, oppression, and freedom. She seems to strictly define pornography as explicit sexual behavior that includes the degradation of women. Yet, in the events that follow I wonder what her opinions would be about the exploitation of male genitalia in a library, aka. Library Porn. Yes, in the event that someone observes porn, porn not necessarily depicting women at all, in a public domain such as a library, around small children.

What just happened? Those were my thoughts exactly when I observed my friend in a state of utter shock and disgust as he looked in a direction behind my head. Our room was adjacent to another study room that conveniently had an adjoining wall with a window as not to ensure too much privacy. I looked over my shoulder and saw a huge penis on the computer screen. Yes, a man was scrolling through porn on his computer, with four other people in the room as well! Anyone could clearly walk by, including small children to witness this alarming event. He didn't even try to casually check if anyone was looking. He continued to switch between what looked like a wikipedia page, to scrolling through various images of gay porn. At this point I was battling between fits of hysterical laughter and astounded faces of shock and disbelief. Not to mention thirty minutes later, he was at it again, even though people walked in and out of this study room. Perhaps, in addition to the signs that read 'NO FOOD OR DRINK' in the computer labs, there should be a sign that says 'no porn, or at least, porn is permissible/ discretion advised for small children' or maybe because porn is so potent across the cyber world, it should be a welcomed practice in a library. stay tuned....

Just when you thought that libraries were a safe and peaceful environment, think again.

on another note..
Victim: Meghan Collison [supreme nyc]
Vogue Italia. Steven Meisel